Monday, September 20, 2010

PTF - September 21, 2010 @ 6:00 pm

I am looking forward to seeing all of my parents at PTF! We will talk about my goals for your children this year! Please meet in the gym for a meeting. We will then go to the classroom! You will have a chance to talk to our room mother and sign up for all of the fun volunteer positions for our class! I can't wait to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Page: Thank you for a great visit to wrap-up the PTF evening! And, I love the new blog page - very cute!

    Last night it was good to hear everyone's questions and your responses. I particularly enjoyed hearing the songs that the children are learning from you. If possible, it would be wonderful to get the words to the songs you sing related to the "song bucket" - as well as the song mentioned on the September one pager (Rat-tat-tat). I am NOT musically blessed so it would be good to get the words for even the classics...if you have the time to type them up.

    Lori and Ben Holsinger
